LSBU help and advice
LSBU has a team of trained Student Liaison Officers (SLOs) who can offer support to any students who have experienced abuse, harassment, bullying, hate incidents, domestic violence , or sexual violence. Their role is to ensure you are aware of your options (with no pressure or judgment) and get support from the right people where needed. 
The appointments are confidential within the service. The only reason information would need to be shared is if deemed there is a danger to yourself or to others, or if there is a legal duty to report. 

You can email for a SLO appointment. 

Report and Support
This site offers you a point of contact to report incidents and access support in relation to sexual violence. If you use the reporting system you are not committing to any specific course of action, but you are letting us know that something has happened to you, and you want to access advice and guidance on what to do next.

The online reporting form and email address are monitored by a small group of specially trained staff. Once you have reported an ‘Advisor’ will make contact with you to offer you an SLO appointment and talk through the options and support available to you. 

Making a formal complaint - reporting to the University
One of the options we will talk to you about is making a formal complaint if another student or member of staff at LSBU is involved. LBSU will consider whether it is appropriate to act under the student or staff disciplinary procedure.  You can do this by completing a Disciplinary Incident Report form and emailing it to The procedure can be found here.

If a police investigation or criminal proceedings are taking place LSBU will not normally carry out its own investigation until the criminal process is complete. This is because there is a high risk that an LSBU investigation could compromise any police investigation or criminal proceedings.

Supporting you in your studies.
If you have experienced sexual violence, you may need help and support in continuing your studies. We can discuss with you any reasonable adjustments or breaks that may be needed from your studies.

Reporting to the police
You can report incidents of sexual assault to LSBU, to the police, or both, or you may decide not to report the incident at all. 

Both of these options are ok and it is important that it is your decision to report. You don’t have to take any action you don’t wish to.

There is no time limit on reporting sexual violence; you can go to the police at any time after the crime has taken place. The Metropolitan Police website provides further information on reporting to the police:  

If you are thinking of reporting to the police, you can access confidential support from an Independent Sexual Violence Advocate (ISVA). ISVAs are independent of the police and can provide practical and emotional support, helping you to make informed decisions 

You can refer for ISVA support via the following – 

Important time frames you should be aware of
It is crucial you think about keeping any evidence, especially if you decide, now or later, to report to the Police.

The Havens can help you to do this safely and confidentially until you have decided what you want to do next. Evidence can be stored anonymously until you decide if you want to report to the police.

Timeframes relevant to incidents of sexual violence.
  • If you suspect you were given any type of drug, it is best to be tested within 24 hours. This can be done at a sexual assault referral centre The Havens.
  • If you want emergency contraception, it should be started within 72 hours or 120 hours (5 days). You can access emergency contraception for free at most local sexual health clinics. The emergency contraceptive pill can be delivered to you for free by Sexual Health London  or purchased at most pharmacies
  • You may need to access STI testing. This can be done at sexual health clinics or a test kit sent to you for free by Sexual Health London. You may need to wait a few weeks for the test to be accurate.
  • If you would like HIV prophylaxis, the medication should be started within 72 hours. You can access this from any GUM clinic or A&E.
  • Forensic evidence can be collected up to 7 days after the assault. For some evidence, the window is 24 hours.

For more information:

There are two ways you can tell us what happened